Prayer Plan // April 2024

Key Relationships

We all have key relationships in our lives—relationships that are highly important to us. Unfortunately, it can be easy to go through our days and weeks forgetting to pray for those people in our lives. One helpful way to combat this is to be intentional about praying through our key relationships like Paul was. We see this in the opening of his letter to the Philippian church: I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer (Philippians 1:3-4). Set aside time each day to pray through your key relationships, i.e., God, family, neighbors, friends, co-workers, etc.

Prayer Spotlight

Each day we want our church to come together and lift up specific requests to God.

This month, the sermon series will be all about marriage. We want to take time as a church this month to pray for marriages!

If you’re married, please pray for:
  • Your spouse—as God works through you both to humbly love and cherish each other.
  • Communication in your marriage to be open and honest, bound by God’s mercy and grace.
  • The marathon of raising your children together to love God and others.

If you’re not married, please pray for:
  • Yourself—that you will continue to be transformed more and more into the image of Jesus and one who will be a great husband/wife. 
  • Your future spouse—that they will continue to be transformed more and more into the image of Jesus and one who will be a great husband/wife. 

Everyone, please pray for: 
  • The widows and widowers who have lost their spouses. 
  • For those who are deeply struggling in their marriages—that healing and unity can occur
  • Healing for those who have been or are going through a divorce.

Those whom God might be calling to singleness—that the church can hold them in high esteem, rather than looking down on them because of what God is calling them to. Also, for confidence and security in their identity in Christ.

Pro Tip

Spend time not only praying for one other, but praying together!

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1 Timothy 4:3-4 1 corinthians 13 1 peter 3 1 peter 5 1 peter 3 tips 31 Abraham Barb Bible Christ centered friendships Christ-centered friendships Christ Control David Deuteronomy 31:8 Elijah Gideon God's Word God's faithfulness God's will God\'s Word God\'s will God\\\'s will God\\\\\\\'s will Gods Word Gods name Gods voice Gods will God Good Samaritan Isaac Isaiah 41 Isaiah 53 Isaiah James 1:22 James 4:14 Jesus is coming Jesus Jonathan Josiah Live at Peace Matthew 26:38-39 Messiah Old Testament Paul Philippians 2 Psalms Romans 6:9 Saul Savior Scripture Significant Others Talented Word of God You Say a mother's prayer a mother\'s prayer a mothers prayer a new thing abandon abby conner absolute truth acts 1:8 acts 2:42-47 acts of prayer acts adam and eve adam etris adam adoration adulteror adultery adultry advent alls well that ends well anchored andrew archer andrew angels sing anger anguish anxiety apostles appreciation archer arch are you prepared art of neighboring attributes austin michels austin authorities authority baptism sunday baptism barabbas barb banhart barb barnhart barnhart be a friend be still be strong and courageous be transformed beauty from ashes becoming fearless believers believe betrayal better neighbors better be brandy gibson brandy broken bronze serpant bruce lane bruce cancel culture cancel care carols celebrate others celebration sunday changes change character chestnut ridge church christian leaders christian life christianity christian christmas with the ridge christmas church defined church design church family church circles cleaning the temple clinging to jesus colossians 1:13 communication community compassion concentric circles confession conflict connection contentment courage coveting covet created for community crisis in israel cross crowd crucifixion cultivate the soil culture daughter death debt delaney desires deuteronomy 31:6 devotional devotion disagreement discernment do not fear do not steal doers don't panic don\'t panic do dual citizenship early church easter sunday easter eight commandment elderly elections election empathy encouragement end times endurance ephesians 3:14-23 ephesians5:21 eternal impact eternal king eternal life eternal security eternity etris exhausted extended family face to face faithful in the small things faithfulness faith false witness family of God family famous last words father fear less series fear less fearless fear fifth commandment finding first commandement first commandment foretold forgiveness forgiven forgive forgiving forsaken foundation four tips fourth commandment free from sin freedom freely given free friendships friendship friends friend garden of gethsemane generosity generous get ready getting along gibson gifts give thanks gloria godly leaders gods faithfulness good enough good friday good works gospel government grace and truth grace hill grace grateful gratitude great commission greed grief grieve with others groups growth hard heart haring he has come he will be called heart heaven hell helping hill holy living holy monday holy saturday holy tuesday holy wednesday holy week holy homecoming hondruas honduras honor hope huggins hurricane helene husband i do but do i ian young ian identity of God identity idolatry idols immovable in all things in christ inspired intimacy invitation israel jamie huggins jamie jill wargo jill john 8:1-11 john 8:10-11 john josh rhodes josh joy judas judgemental judgement judge katie lemley katie key relationships kim sheets kim kindness kingdom of heaven king kinsman redeemer know the truth la ceiba lamb of God lane language last supper laziness leadership legacy lemley life light of the world light listening live generously living intentionally living water logos loss love one another love loyalty luke 10:42 luke 23:34 lust lying made new manna margin for more marriage matters marriage martha matthew 22:37-39 matthew 23:24 matthew 6:3-4 maundy thursday mediator melissa parker melissa mercy michelle lemley michelle trimmer michelle michels mikvah ministry mission trip missions money morality moses murder neighbor new family new testament new testatment new year new ninth commandment o holy night ourselves overcome evil with good palm sunday parables parable parenting parents parent parker passover lamb passover pastor tim haring pastor tim pastors pastor path of life peacemaker peace people of god people perfecter perfector persecution perserverance perseverance persistence perspective philippians 4:6-7 philippians pioneer point of church point possessions power of the past pray like paul prayer life prayer plan prayer praying pray prepare promises of God proverbs provision psalm 139 purpose quality time race reading read reconciliation recreated redeemed redeemer redemption reflection reflect rejoice relationship with God relationships relationship relative truth religion religious leaders remember respond response rest resurrection retaliation return revenge rhodes riches roger sealey roger role model romans 12:12 romans 12:15 romans rulers rules running the race sabbath day sabbath sacrifice salvation sealey seasons second coming second commandment secure seek the truth selfish selflessness selfless separation sermon on the mount serve Jesus serve others serve serving others serving set free seventh commandment shame share the gospel share the truth sharing the good news sheep and goats sheets signs sing sin sixth commandment social media soft heart sower speaking the truth speak speech spiritual gifts spiritual leaders spiritual relationships spring cleaning stand firm stealing stewardship stillness still strained straining out gnats and swallowing camels strength submit substitutionary atonement succession suffering support surrender take time talents temptation ten commandements ten commandments tender heart tenth commandment ten thankfulness thanksgiving thanks the dishonest manager the good samaritan the lost coin the lost sheep the lost son the parables of jesus the persistent widow the plot the point of church the primary purpose of the church the prodigal son the purpose of the church the rich fool the sheep and goats the sower the talents the ten virgins the two foundations the wedding banquet the word of God the word third commandment thoughts through thick and thin throught thick and thin tim haring tim titus transformation treasure trials tribulation triggered trimmer trustworthy trust truth about people truth is truth matters truthiness truth two foundations two lies and the truth ukraine unbelievers uncertainty unclean victorious victory volunteer wargo wealth wedding feast weep what's the point? what\'s the point? what\\\'s the point? what\\\\\\\'s the point? what\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s the point? whats the point whatsthepoint when we pray who am i who i am who we are wife wisdom words works of God work worry worship wronged you are forgiven young