Posts with the category “devotional”

The Ripple Effect
July 24th, 2024
Ones who have chosen to be in adulterous relationships can be forgiven. In seeking forgiveness, Warren Wiersbe states that the adulterer and adulteress must live with the sad consequences of forgiven ...  Read More
by Brandy Gibson
Searching My Heart Amidst Loss
July 17th, 2024
The loss of my cousin has taught me the importance of compassion and forgiveness. I have learned to extend grace to others, recognizing that life is too short and fragile. Each day is a true gift and ...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Honor and Promise
July 10th, 2024
Andrew asked a pointed question toward the end of his talk. "Am I living a life worth honoring?" As a parent, I have tried to emulate for my children what my parents did for me—care, nurture, protect,...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Remember the Sabbath
July 3rd, 2024
Rest is something that we all crave and need. Because of our society, we are almost afraid to seek rest for fear that someone will see us as lazy and unwilling to give more of ourselves than is really...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Logs and Specks
June 26th, 2024
Do you ever find that when you’re sitting in church, and the pastor makes a great point, you immediately think of someone you wish could be hearing the message? By doing this, we are missing a vital s...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Christ and Culture
June 19th, 2024
How has our culture influenced you? Have you downloaded Instagram? Is there a desire in you to climb the corporate ladder or have a beautiful home that HGTV would want to visit? These things are in an...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
It's All About Perspective
June 12th, 2024
During the second week of our “Ten” series, Pastor Tim pointed out that if God has His proper place, everything else will fall into place. If putting God first seems overwhelming, begin by counting yo...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Living Your Best Life
June 5th, 2024
Our new series, “Ten,” began on Sunday, and Pastor Tim made the point that the Ten Commandments are not the way of salvation but reveal the path that leads to an abundant, rich, and satisfying life. T...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Great is Thy Faithfulness
May 28th, 2024
As I have grown in my relationship with the Lord, there have been times when remembering God’s faithfulness has come in great sorrow. It is important to realize that God’s character is often seen thro...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Hard Hearts
May 15th, 2024
The problem the religious leaders were facing was that they had allowed their hearts to become so callous that when they looked at the man with the paralyzed hand, they did not see an image bearer of ...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
May 8th, 2024
Withholding forgiveness was poisoning me and the hope for my new relationships. Realizing this and offering forgiveness was downright painful. It required a total surrender and trust that God knows be...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Love in Listening
May 1st, 2024
During the last couple of years of my mom’s life, she suffered from some pretty severe memory issues, robbing her of recollections and weaving confusion into her day. Now that she has been gone for ov...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Growing in Selflessness
April 24th, 2024
When my little sister Bree entered our family, it marked a significant turning point in my life, a transition from self-centeredness to selflessness—everything wasn't about me now. While selflessness ...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Created for Intimacy
April 17th, 2024
What we all need to recognize is that the intimacy we long for can only be found in the person of Jesus Christ. There is no more intimate act than Christ’s death for us. He knew everything about us, a...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Finding Sacred in the Simple
April 10th, 2024
Marriage matters to God because it reflects the depth of His love for His people. Just as Christ laid down His life for His bride, the Church, so too, are husbands and wives called to sacrificially lo...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Easter is Hope
April 3rd, 2024
Jesus is our hope. He died as payment for our sins and rose again to conquer death. God’s desire for us to be in a relationship with Him was made possible. Now, each of us has a responsibility to reco...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Deliverance Through Community
March 20th, 2024
The instructions God gave the Israelites during Passover were not to be followed alone; they included other people. This is how we are called to live once we have received the grace God has given us—t...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Wrestling With the Text
March 13th, 2024
For those of us who know the story well—we can miss out on just how shocking it is to see God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. My encouragement to you would be to read through some of the most...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
The Cornerstone of Our Faith
March 6th, 2024
Jesus' substitutionary atonement serves as the cornerstone of our faith, underscoring the depth of God's love and the unfathomable extent of His grace. It is a testament to His unwavering commitment t...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Living Intentionally
February 28th, 2024
Just like Legacy Marbles provide a visual reminder of the number of weeks you have left with your child before they graduate high school, what if we had a jar of marbles that represented our lives? Wo...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Can We Get Along With Others?
February 21st, 2024
It is easy to start an argument when you want to ensure your opinion is heard—but why? What do we gain by starting arguments? Do we really persuade other people to agree with us by voicing our opinion...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Something You May Not Know
February 14th, 2024
Pause, slow down, and think about what you believe—about the world, yourself, humanity, and God. Ask yourself, “Why do I believe this?” “Where does this ‘truth’ I’m believing come from?” Then, with di...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Two Roads Diverged in a Wood…
February 7th, 2024
“Two Roads Diverged in a Wood” is from the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost. Just like in Robert Frost’s poem, we must pick from two paths in life, one leading to life and one leading to deat...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Good Enough
January 31st, 2024
A number of us would quickly agree that we are a "good person." If we look at our lives as a whole, we feel like we are doing good. On the other hand, a number of us would say that we aren't good—we f...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Seeking the Truth
January 24th, 2024
While many people claim to seek "the truth," they are looking for "their truth," which is grounded in human ideology, not Biblical absolutes. "The Truth" proclaims there is only one way to God, and Hi...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
The Tender Heart
January 17th, 2024
A tender-hearted child is modeled by the adults around them. Your child seeing you read God’s Word, talking about what you have learned, and praying are some of the greatest ways to develop a tender h...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Truth That Transforms
January 10th, 2024
Whether we know it or not, and whether we like it or not, we are highly malleable beings. Thankfully, Paul understood this problem and gave us the blueprint to resist being conformed to this world—"be...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Extending the Invitation
December 20th, 2023
Attending a Christmas service may be a given in your home. But what about your colleague? How about a family member or friend? Think about a person in your life who doesn’t attend church regularly. Ma...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
The Journey of Redemption
December 13th, 2023
Through the life of Jesus, from His birth, to His death and resurrection, the redemption plan was made complete. ...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
Manifestation Manipulation
December 6th, 2023
We cannot manifest anything in our lives. The only One who has the power to create something out of nothing is God....  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
November 29th, 2023
Merely giving what we feel is adequate to ease our conscience can be our go-to; however, when we give with joy and anticipation for God to use our gifts, we reflect God's kind of generosity. God gave ...  Read More
by Jamie Huggins
But Jesus Died for Me
November 22nd, 2023
Gratitude is not just a feeling of thankfulness but a state of being. It is a choice we make in spite of our circumstances. It is the intentional recognition of our blessings, both big and small....  Read More
by Kim Sheets
Created for Community
November 15th, 2023
God desires for us to be connected in a community so that we can support others who are facing great uncertainty. ...  Read More
by Andrew Archer
November 8th, 2023
When we look to the past, let us look at what God has done through and despite all the mistakes, all the pain, and all the hurt. ...  Read More
by Ian Young
Don't Panic
November 1st, 2023
God knows that we get scared, but He has given us access to His peace....  Read More
by Brandy Gibson
Clinging to Jesus
October 25th, 2023
If we know that God loves us and will never leave us, how should we then respond to fear and worry?...  Read More
by Michelle Trimmer
Be Strong and Courageous
October 18th, 2023
We, who are in a relationship with Jesus, have nothing to fear, for God is with us. We are told to watch for Jesus’ coming. It should prompt us to pray for those of our family and friends who do not k...  Read More
by Barb Barnhart
Becoming Fearless
October 11th, 2023
Jesus knew that His only hope to overcome fear was to pray and ask God for help. I believe that we are supposed to follow that same example....  Read More
by Katie Lemley
Grace and Truth
October 4th, 2023
How can you be like Jesus and walk in grace and truth? It starts by seeing people for who they are, image bearers of God, and treating them as such....  Read More
by Andrew Archer
Sharing the Good News
September 27th, 2023
By taking time to invest in relationships and building genuine friendships, we are able to more naturally invite others to Christ and our church community. ...  Read More
by Josh Rhodes